Where are you located? 

Our farm is located near Love, Saskatchewan. However, we do weekly deliveries to our local customers in Nipawin, Saskatchewan. 

Can I hire you or buy your flowers for wedding work, events, etc? 

Unfortunately, no. We do not decorate for weddings or events of any kind.
Since we do not have a greenhouse, we are at the mercy of weather, pests, early frost, etc. which can make our blooming season slightly unpredictable. Therefore, we do not supply flowers for events which include but are not limited to weddings showers, funerals, etc. The only flowers that we sell are the extra that we have each week, and they are sold to our weekly customers. 

I just received my tuber order, what do I do now?

Things are about to get beautiful! Upon receiving, open your package immediately and inspect each tuber. Please ensure that each tuber you received matches your order form. Although we try our absolute best to ensure each order is packed correctly, we are human and therefore make mistakes. You will have 48 hours upon receipt to contact us and file a complaint. Please store your tubers in a cool, dark area until you are able to plant them. Do not let them freeze! Frozen tubers will die and will not be viable. We will not be held responsible for tubers that are stored improperly upon receiving. Please also be aware that dahlia tubers grow in various shapes and sizes and that is totally okay! Bigger does not necessarily mean better and small tubers will produce just as well. Please rest assured that all tubers have been inspected and will not be sent if they do not have a chance of growing. 

How do I plant and successfully grow dahlias from tubers? 

This is one of our most frequently asked questions. The good news is, they are very easy to grow! When the soil has warmed and all danger of frost has passed, it is time to plant your tubers! Do not plant your tubers before the soil has warmed, since they will not germinate and could possibly rot if the soil is too cold. Do NOT water the ground before or after planting tubers as this can greatly increase chances of rot. Dig a hole approximately five inches deep and lay the tuber horizontally with the eye or sprout facing up. Cover the tuber with dirt and add fertilizer if desired. We do not water our plants until there is visible growth appearing from the ground, as overwatering can cause tuber rot in the beginning stages. 

How far should I space my dahlia tubers? 

We space our dahlia tubers approximately 18 inches apart. This is much farther apart than most farms space them and can successfully be grown 12 inches apart. Keep in mind that some varieties grow quite tall and will require staking. 

Do you pinch your plants and at what stage?

Yes, we pinch our plants! This can feel somewhat counterproductive and will set the plants back by approximately one week, but it is worth doing. When four sets of true lateral leaves have appeared above ground level, simply remove the middle growth with snips or pinching it out with your fingers. This encourages branching and will make big, bushy plants with lots of blooms! If you choose not to pinch, be prepared to have tall, thin plants with thick stocks and minimum blooms. 

How often should I water my plants? 

Watering should be done at least once a week or more often during hot, dry periods. 

When do I harvest my blooms? 

Dahlia blooms last longer when they are harvested in the early morning or evening. Also, do not be afraid to cut your stems deeply, as this will encourage stems to grow longer and make a healthy, happy plant. You can also deadhead your blooms to keep the plants blooming nicely all summer and into fall. 

When will my plants bloom? 

Dahlias are late summer to fall blooming flowers so do not be discouraged if they do not start blooming until August or September! The earliest we have seen blooms here is the last week of July. Once they start blooming, they will bloom until frost comes. 

 Is your farm open to visitors? 

Since this is a working farm, we are not open to visitors. We may have an open house in the future, but that is yet to be decided. 


When will tuber orders ship and do you ship internationally? 

We do not ship outside of Canada. Since our farm is located in Saskatchewan, we can only ship tubers once the risk of frost is passed here. This can be later than other provinces and please keep in mind that even if you are not getting frost, we still can be. 

Where are your tubers grown and do you import and resell?

We love this question because we can happily say that everything on this farm has been grown right here! We do not import and resell and do not plan to ever start. All of our tubers are grown for a minimum of one year. We love having farm grown dahlia tubers. 

Still have questions?

Send us an email and we will be happy to answer all of your questions! You can reach us at nikkisflowersinfo@gmail.com