About Us

It’s a Family Thing 

Meet Nikki, the face you will most often see around Torch River Flower Farm. She is the one that is behind social media messages, emails, and orders. A love of dahlias began to grow in her when she began struggling with health problems that left her unable to work. The following summer, Nikki’s mom bought her the very first seventeen dahlias to grow in order to get her outside with something to look forward to. From then on, the dahlia addiction began and 300 dahlias were planted in the spring of 2023. We are hoping to plant nearly one thousand dahlias next spring and can’t wait for a sea of beautiful colours. She focuses her time on journaling her varieties weekly, pinching plants, weeding, making social media content, harvesting flowers, floral arranging, and tuber splitting. When she’s not out in her dahlia field, you can find her spending time with family, perfecting lattes, making baby hair bows, and enjoying lake days. Nikki is so excited to share the beauty of dahlias with even more people in the coming years! 

Meet Tim and Marlene, Nikki’s parents. This dahlia farming dream would not be possible without them! Marlene is the impromptu photographer, planter, harvester, emotional support system, dahlia clump washer, and so much more. Tim is the tractor operator, dahlia digger, and source of information for finding ingredients all over the farm for arrangements. They both spent many evenings watering dahlias in the midst of mosquitoes. Marlene enjoys sewing, baking, and going on long walks when she’s not helping with the dahlias. Tim enjoys hunting and fishing in his spare time. They both adore their five grandchildren and are equally adored by each of them. 

Meet Nikki’s grandparents, Stan and Margaret. Grandpa is always looking for ways to help and enjoys dahlias almost as much as Nikki does! You may have seen him on some of Nikki’s Instagram stories, working away. At 87, he does not want to slow down. Both Grandpa and Grandma are always excited for the next venture and enjoy watching it take place. Since Grandma is usually in the house cooking meals or cleaning the house, she is not seen as much on social media as Grandpa is; he enjoys being a part of everything on the farm. They are hard to get photos of them so a Christmas group picture will have to do!